VLDB 2020 Tokyo 46th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases

VLDB2020: Submission Guidelines

Generation Information

Papers are to be formatted according to the conference’s camera-ready format, as embodied in the document templates. The maximum research paper length is 12 pages (6-12 pages for vision papers); all the content, including any appendices but excluding the references, must fit on 12 pages. Only the references can extend a paper beyond the 12 page limit, and there is no limit on the number of pages used for them. The conference management tool for the submission of abstracts and papers is accessible at:

Submission Process

The last three deadlines for submitting revision papers have been updated and are:
  • May 25th 2020 [Papers submitted by this deadline and accepted will be presented at VLDB'20]
  • June 15th 2020 [Papers submitted by this deadline and accepted will be presented at VLDB'20]
  • July 15th 2020 [Papers submitted by this deadline and accepted will be rolled over to VLDB'21]

PVLDB uses a novel review process designed to promote timely submission, review, and revision of scholarly results. The process will be carried out over 12 submission deadlines during the year preceding the VLDB 2020 conference. The basic cycle will operate as follows:

  • A Rolling Deadline occurs on the 1st of each month, 5:00 PM Pacific Time (Daylight Savings observed according to US calendar). This deadline is strict and no extensions will be granted. -The first monthly submission deadline for PVLDB Volume 12 is 1 April 2019. The final deadline is 1 March 2020.
  • For each submission cycle, the CMT site will be open for submissions from the 20th of the previous month. For example, the submissions for February 2020 will be accepted from January 20th onwards.
  • Initial reviews will usually be available on the 15th of the next month following the submission deadline, and they will include notice of acceptance, rejection, or revision requests.
  • For revision requests, the reviews will be specific with regard to the expectations from the revision, and only one revision is permitted.
  • Authors may take up to three months to produce a revised submission. The last three revisions deadlines will be May 15th, June 15, and July 15 2020. June 15th is the final revision deadline for consideration to present at VLDB 2020; submissions received after this deadline will roll over to VLDB 2021.
  • The final reviews of revised papers will usually be available by the 15th of the month following the revision submission.
  • While all attempts will be made to adhere to the schedule mentioned above, authors are advised that reviewing turnaround times may be subject to fluctuations.

Important Notice

  • For research track papers that belong to a special category (Vision, and Experiments and Analyses), authors MUST append the category tag as a SUFFIX to the title of the paper. For example, “Data Management in the Year 3000 [Vision]”. This must be done both in the paper file and in the CMT submission title.
  • VLDB is a single-blind conference. Therefore, authors MUST include their names and affiliations on the manuscript cover page.
  • IMPORTANT CHANGE: A change to the style file has been implemented in August. Please use the provided style file as it contains a uniform way to cite a PVLDB paper.


To minimize biases in the evaluation process, we use CMT’s conflict management system, through which authors should flag conflicts with Associate Editors and/or PLDB Review Board members. All authors of a submission must declare conflicts on CMT prior to the submission deadline.

You have a conflict with X:

  • If you and X have worked in the same university or company in the past two years, or will be doing so in the next six months on account of an accepted job offer. Different campuses do not count as the same university for this purpose – UC Berkeley does not have a conflict with UC Santa Barbara.
  • If you and X have collaborated recently, as evidenced in a joint publication or jointly organized event in the past two years, or are collaborating now.
  • If you are the PhD thesis advisor of X or vice versa, irrespective of how long ago this was.
  • If X is a relative or close personal friend.

Submissions with undeclared conflicts or spurious conflicts will be DESK REJECTED. There will be NO exceptions to this rule.

Resubmission, Originality and Duplicate Submissions

Authors are not allowed to resubmit work that was previously rejected from the research tracks of PVLDB, within one year of the original submission date. A paper withdrawn by the authors after a revision decision will be considered as rejected and the 12-month resubmission ban applies to such papers as well. A submission rejected from the research track may not be resubmitted within 12 months to the research track.

Note that the resubmission embargo does not apply, in either direction, to papers submitted to the VLDB conference that do not go through the PVLDB review process, including tracks such as industrial papers and demos.

A paper submitted to PVLDB must present original work not described in any prior publication that is more than 4 double-column VLDB-style pages in length. A prior publication is a paper that has been accepted for presentation at a refereed conference or workshop with proceedings; or an article that has been accepted for publication in a refereed journal. If a PVLDB submission has overlap with a prior publication, the submission must cite the prior publication, along with all other relevant published work, even if this prior publication is at or below the 4-page length threshold.

A paper submitted to PVLDB cannot be under review for any other publishing forum or presentation venue, including conferences, workshops, and journals, during the time it is being considered for PVLDB. After you submit a paper to VLDB 2020, you must await the response from PVLDB and only re-submit elsewhere if your paper is rejected, or withdrawn at your request, from PVLDB.

Extended Journal Articles

Because PVLDB accepts conference-length papers, authors are encouraged to develop longer versions of PVLDB papers and submit them to traditional journal venues. The Editors-in-Chief of the VLDB Journal (VLDBJ) have formally agreed that extended versions of papers published in PVLDB may be considered for publication in VLDBJ. Other journals have informally encouraged this as well. More information on this topic is available in the PVLDB FAQ at: